Friday, July 14, 2006


It's been a busy week at work for the News Moms...with the escalation of violence in the Middle East, and the announcement from Valerie Plame Wilson that she is suing Vice President Cheney and others at the White House for revealing her identity to columnist Robert Novak.

These stories have been our primary focus here in the newsroom, and since the 24-hour news channels have had wall to wall coverage, I'm sure you're up-to-date with what's going on as well.

Today, though, I wanted to share some links for other news -- let's call it "mommy-related" news that I might make a regular Friday posting if there's interest.

*First the good news:
The makers of a new chocolate bar say it cures PMS symptoms. Somebody pinch me! I'm definitely going to hunt this down.

*Then the bad:
Working long hours is dangerous to women's health because when we work long hours we eat more high fat food, drink more caffeine, exercise less and smoke more (if you're a smoker.) According to the British study, men are not negatively impacted in the same way.

This describes me! When I'm working late, I make too many trips to the vending machine, have take-out pizza for dinner and drink a whole lot of diet soda. I won't lie and say I get less exercise than I normally do --because I don't normally get enough exercise to begin with!

*And the useful:
According to Canadian researchers, making TV and video game time a reward for exercising is effective in getting overweight children off the couch and onto the ball field.

And if you're pregnant and haven't yet read Tuesday's post by News Mom "T" -- make sure you take a look. She gives you some important information about newborn screening.

One final note:

Thank you to the fellow moms who've responded to our invitation to be our test readers. We appreciate the feedback you've given us. Please keep reading -- and if you can, post your thoughts on our daily entries right here on the News Moms site.

Have a wonderful weekend.

News Mom "V"

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