Thursday, October 26, 2006


I'm the friend T mentions below, and this is the project I'm stepping away from.

Part of the reason T and I started this blog was to share our experiences juggling careers and parenthood, and to let other mothers know they weren't alone.

Sometimes the juggling doesn't seem so bad, sometimes you fall into a routine and other times you're dropping things all over the place. That's me right now. So I'm taking the blog out of the juggling act.

Thank you to the friends who've bolstered and encouraged me during this little venture, and thank you -- T -- for being a wonderful and understanding colleague and friend.

T will continue with her brilliant, insightful posts, and I'll continue to read in. I hope you will too.

News Mom V.


Leo said...

BUMMER. I hear you, though. Been grappling with the exact same issue. When something has to give, the blog unfortunately seems like a good place to start. :(

JanaM said...

Your bloggs will be missed as they are really great to read. What I enjoy is that you and T bring forth every day life issues through your careers that we all have an opinion or thought about as mothers. Thanks for sharing a part of yourself and good luck!