Thursday, August 31, 2006


For most people, Labor Day is the official end of summer. For me, it's the sniffles that invaded our house this week.

It's the first week of school -- in fact, 2 of our 3 kids haven't even started yet -- and already all five of us are sniffling, coughing and popping vitamin C chewables like candy. That pesky cold virus attacked without warning. I hadn't even had a chance to stock up on vitamins and cod liver oil yet. Yes, I make my kids take the yucky stuff all winter. It worked for my grandparents and seems to work for us, too.

Except right now.

How DO those germs circulate so quickly? I imagine that as hundreds of giggling, backpacked girls and boys bounced off the school bus this week, millions of invisible viruses marched in right along with them -- just as determined to do well in school this year.

"Betcha I can infect more kids than you can!"

"Oh yeah - bet I can get to them first!"

"You take backpacks. I'll take pencils and lunchboxes."

I've read that doctors say 10-12 colds a year is NORMAL for schoolchildren, and actually builds up their immunity. Speaking of which, have you read about the chicken pox parties? Instead of getting the vaccine, parents let their uninfected children play with infected ones, hoping to create natural immunity.

That said... excuse me (achooo!!!!!!!)

... be well. I'm already longing for Spring!


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