Thursday, August 24, 2006



I'm back from a two-week vacation and have that relaxed feeling of renewed passion for life and work. It reminds me that I need to plan more "mental" getaways so I can experience this "Ahhhhhh" feeling more often.

At one point while driving home, everyone in the car fell asleep. At first I was lonely, but I quickly realized the beauty (and benefit) of complete silence. Without kids chattering, music playing or other distractions -- and just the ribbon of highway ahead -- I was able to think through priorities that, unfortunately, often go without attention in the daily rat race.

  • What self-improvements do I need to work on - physically, professionally, spritually?
  • How healthy is my marriage? What can I do to make it better?
  • How can I help each of my children reach their goals?

While out of town, I had a couple of Mommy Moments that I must share:

  • My son pooped in the potty for the first time! Not the topic of typical conversation, I know, but I'm sure parents out there can attest that this is HUGE! :) What was nice about it was seeing how proud he was of himself when he accomplished something new. I can't wait to see THAT look on his face again.
  • A friend commented that my children are well-behaved. I almost fell over. With all the Mommy guilt I live with, he'll never know how that small observation made my day... my month... my year!

Back home now, this evening I spent some time researching our school system. My kindergartener starts Monday (expect a post - once I've stopped sobbing). My preschooler starts a week later, and my newly-licenced 18-year-old starts college two days after that.

I know that Spring is considered the season of new beginnings, but for us, this fall represents a genesis -- a new chapter in our family. As the children each move on to a new horizon, it'll affect all of our lives.

And I can't wait to see how it turns out.


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