Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Yes, I know -- it’s been two weeks since we last posted. There’s a good explanation:

I’ve been out sick and T. is on vacation.

I was hospitalized with gall bladder problems early last week. If you have ANY “minor” medical issues – please don’t do as I did and ignore the problem until it’s too late.

I'm still feeling guilty about it.

The hardest part of the whole ordeal was being away from the kids. I have a difficult enough time leaving them with a babysitter, so not seeing them for almost 3 days was torture.

My husband brought me a few photos, which I looked at constantly.

I begged my doctor to spring me from the hospital a night early – and was able to get home in time to put the kids to bed on Tuesday night.

When I got to the house, the baby was crying and my three year old was wearing borrowed corduroys (in 90 degree weather!) because he’d had so many potty accidents at school that day. (It’s true -- what the experts say about kids regressing in times of stress.)

My reintroduction into home life was a bit chaotic – but seeing my baby girl smile in recognition when I walked in the room, and getting a big hug and an “Are you feeling better, mommy?” from my little boy left me with the most amazing feeling...

And reminded me how important it is to exercise control over the things that are manageable (like my medical issues) so that I don’t have to be away from them unexpectedly again.

News Mom "V"

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