Friday, July 07, 2006


I was just reading an interesting article by Dr. Gail Saltz about women who feel their husbands lavish more attention on their kids than their wives. Though it wasn't the focus of the article, what caught my attention was how we women harbor our feelings and then feel GUILTY about it.

It reminded me about a book I read recently: "Help Wanted for Busy Moms" by Barbara Mang. She encourages Christian mothers by sharing memorable experiences and passing on practical tips (including quick dinner recipes!). But her major theme is LETTING GO OF GUILT. I was so inspired that I resolved to make a real effort to do just that.

So here goes:

NO MORE GUILT about having a slow day at work when I know there's a pile of laundry waiting at home. It's not going anywhere. Plus, no one pays me to do laundry!

NO MORE GUILT about being off work on a big breaking news day (how frustrating!) I figure it's God's way of paying me back for all the overnights, overtime, 48-hours shifts over the years.
NO MORE GUILT about feeding the kids a Happy Meal for dinner sometimes. It's not like they've never had a vegetable. And the doctor says they're perfectly healthy.

NO MORE GUILT about shopping for ME instead of the kids. Their closets and toyboxes are overflowing. And as my DH (dear husband) often points out, a person who works hard should enjoy the fruits of their labor. Life is too short not to.

And finally (the big one):

NO MORE GUILT about not spending enough time with my kids! As hubby often points out, "Mommy!!!" seems to be their favorite word, so I must be doing something right.

A great story about that:

As my colleague "V" will attest, I'm always buying learning toys for my preschoolers. My mom calls it "guilt spending" in lieu of quality time ("They don't need a LeapPad -- they need you and a book!"). As much as I hate to admit it, I think she's partially right. So I'm trying to seize more "teachable moments." Lately, they've happened in the car on the way to and from child care.

Yesterday I taught my 5-year-old the names of the 7 continents and she recited them for Grannie the next day. I was proud that she learned it from ME, not some brightly-colored machine.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this posting. More of us need to learn to treat ourselves as well as others. Keep posting self-help issues like this!