Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I'm back from my less than sunny vacation, and it's raining outside.

The drive in this morning was horrendous. Bumper to bumper, beginning a half-mile from my house all the way to the office. Over an hour.

It was the rotted cherry on top of the stale cake that was my morning.

As I've mentioned before, I have a hard time transitioning between being with the kids 24-7 to sending them off to daycare.

This time we were together for 10 days -- sleeping in the same room.

My formerly co-sleeping 3-year-old is back to his former self. When it came time to go to bed last night he announced he was sleeping in our bed. Didn't you miss YOUR bedroom I asked? No, he said. It's lonesome in there.

He was clinging to me when we woke up this morning, and he continued to do so on the sofa in front of the TV downstairs. I didn't mind being clung to, but I freed myself to get clothes for him and the baby.

She cried all morning long. She didn't want to be dressed, she didn't want to eat and she didn't want to play on the floor. She's also been sick and snotty so I felt so evil sending her off to daycare.

After my husband left with the kids, I had my coffee and toast, showered and found something clean to wear -- my jeans! Those darn jeans were supposed to have made it into my suitcase but somehow got lost in the dining room during packing. Their absence forced me to wear pajama pants or too-tight yoga pants (with a strategically placed hoodie tied around my waist) on the days I couldn't wear shorts.

When I arrived at work, the story assignment next to my name read "Horse Slaughter."

I'm not kidding.

Things have since taken a turn for the better. I managed to get out of the horse slaughter story and into watching a President Bush event.

It's good to be back. As a journalist it's hard to be on vacation and know there are things going on in the world that you're not covering.

And I'm getting a break from reminding my little boy to go potty every couple of hours (because he still hasn't mastered stopping to go when he's having too much fun.)

Not that it wasn't adorable to walk by the bathroom and see him sitting on the potty, his legs swinging as he sang to himself "Rain, rain go away.

Now...where was I? Oh yes...the President.

News Mom "V"

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